For the last number of years I've been eating lunch at my desk. Oftentimes it's because I want to surf the web or just sit in a comfortable quiet area where I shouldn't be bothered by excess noise.
Unfortunately this usually means someone will also assume you are still on duty and they are free to ask you questions or ask for pc help.
Over the last few months I've discovered (maybe rediscovered is more appropriate) the 2nd floor eating/sitting/relaxing area on the second floor of the US Bancorp Building. You know the place, it's where the Portland City Grill is located.
Helping in this particular matter is my newest laptop. I picked up an Asus EEE PC. The thing is tiny! I pretty much take it everywhere were I might have a spare boring moment, and anywhere I may need a pc handy that isn't already in use by an end user.
So right now I'm here at my favorite seat, where there's only one other table near by, eating my Saag Chicken, writing this blog, and getting ready to watch Spiderman 3 streaming from Netflix.
It doesn't get much better than this. I even have a Blackberry that will notify me if any work emails come in. With a wireless connection, VPN FOB, laptop, and push to talk phone, I can work and play from almost anywhere.